Thursday, October 20, 2016

Candi Cetho

A Short Trip to Candi Cetho
Gapura awal Candi Cetho

Tepat dua hari lalu (sebelum postingan ini dipost), saya menyempatkan diri untuk sekedar refreshing ke kota (red. Kabupaten) Karanganyar. Ada banyak lokasi wisata yang bisa dikunjungi di sini yang notabene kebanyakan merupakan wisata alam. Namun saya dan teman-teman memilih untuk mengunjungi Candi Cetho. Sebenarnya lebih penasaran dengan Candi Sukuh yang lebih tenar dengan bentuk candinya yang menyerupai candi/bangunan suku maya di Amerika latin.

Candi yang terletak di level paling atas
Starting point kami adalah gerbang depan kampus UNS (Universitas Sebelas Maret) Solo.Kita berangkat pukul 8.30 dan sampai di lokasi sekitar 10.00. Sebenarnya kita bisa sampai di lokasi lebih awal namun kita sempat tersesat gegara salah pilih lokasi di GPS.
Kalau nanti ada diantara readers yang menggunakan bantuan MAP, pastikan dulu tujuan yang kalian pilih benar. Kita bisa memastikan itu benar atautidak dengan melihat review lokasi tersebut. Ketika saya mencari “Candi Cetho” yang muncul di GMAP adalah ‘Candi Cetho Jenawi” dan “Candi Cetho”. Both location are located in Karanganyar regency, dan aku memilih yang “Candi Cetho Jenawi”. Ternyata itu merupakan lokasi yang salah dan lebih jauh 30 menit perjalanan dari lokasi candi yang sebenarnya.

Setelah sampai di Candi, kita memparkirkan motor masing-masing. Biaya parkir masih normal yaitu Rp 2.000,-. Untuk biaya tiket masuk ada dua jenis harga, yaitu berdasarkan turis asing atau domestik. Untuk turis domestic dikenai biaya Rp 7.000,- cukup murah dan sama dengan biaya masuk candi Gedong Songo di Ungaran. Sedangkan untuk tiket masuk wisatawan asing sebesar Rp 15.000,-

Halaman dasar Candi Cetho
Lokasi candi yang berada di perbukitan menjadikan candi ini berbentuk punden berundak. Selain bentuk candi yang unik, yang identic dengan candi ini yaitu Gapura di hampir setiap level candi yang sangat khas dengan gapura di Bali, yang notabene Candi ini memang Candi Hindu. Tidak seperti candi lain yang difungsikan sebagai tempat wisata saja, di sini juga masih terdapat praktek ibadah, dan akan tercium bau dupa di beberapa titik ibadah/di tingkat atas.

Hal lain yang khas dari Candi ini adalah bentuk-bentuk arca yang sebagian besar berbentuk Phallic. Di papan informasi Candi juga disebutkan bahwa arca tersebut memang berbentuk alat reproduksi laki-laki.
Salah satu arca yang ada di Candi Cetho

Selain bentuk candi dan arca yang unik, lokasi candi yang terletak di lereng Gunung Lawu menjadikan lokasi candi berhawa dingin dan terkadang berkabut and it felt awesome. Lol
Bagi readers yang tetarik dengan wisata alam atau percandian atau tentang sejarah Indonesia, Candi Cetho bisa saya rekomendasikan untuk kalian.

Setelah lelah menikmati keunikan candi ini, readers juga bisa menikmati hidangan the di Tea Café tdak jauh dari lokasi Candi. Ada dua pilihan untuk sekedar makan siang atau ngeteh sore, yaitu Ndoro Dongker dan Bale Branti. Yang menjadi pilihan saya dan teman-teman waktu itu adalah Bale Branti. Ulasan lebih lanjut berkaitan dengan Bale Branti bisa dilihat di sini.

Well, untuk masalah budget, tidak perlu terlalu banyak mengeluarkan uang untuk perjalan Candi Cetho dan Bale Branti. And this was my total expense during my trip:
1.      Bensin                                                 : 20.000
2.      Parkir 2x                                              : 4.000
3.      Masuk Candi                                       : 7.000
4.      Biaya sukarela kain masuk candi       : 10.000
5.      Makan di Bale Branti                          : 41.000 (Makan, teh,snack)

So, what are you waiting for, just go visit Karanganyar ….. (Halah, sok sok-an jadi duta wisata) lol

Catch you soon in other trip review

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Essay tentang Sastra Minoritas

Oya, sudah lama aku tidak berbagi tentang tugas-tugas anak sastra Inggris. Well, di postingan kali ini aku bakalan sharing salah satu essay di kelas Minority Literature beberapa semester yang lalu. Jadi untuk kelas ini, biasanya tes memang berupa paper. Tapi untuk problem statementnya memang sudah ditentukan dari dosen, tidak seperti paper pada umumnya yang biasanya problem statement kita sendiri yang menentukan. So, ini adalah contoj pertanyaan essay yang diberikan dosen setelah kita selesai membaca novel The Woman Warrior.

Find and explain the example illustration related to Identity Plot by Amy Hungerfold: The character is at odd with the minority group of which he or she is part, as well as with majority group he or she is part” in the novel entitled The Woman Warrior.

 In the first chapter of The Woman Warrior I find the story from Maxine’s mother about her aunt in China. In this chapter Maxine indirectly delivers not only the story of her aunt but also the Chinese culture regarded to woman told by her mother. Maxine as the first generation of Chinese in America feels curious about her identity. On the one hand, her mother told her about Chinese culture and story about her aunt but the story happened at China. In fact, Maxine lived in America. On the other hand, she never knows about how china looks like and what Chinese cultures are. She has to find herself in America the place where there are so many immigrants from around the world. She was told stories about Chinese culture but in the real life she lives in the world that Chinese was the minority group and has small chance to develop their own culture.

As a member of minority group, Maxine had to negotiate between her mother’s cultural values. Moreover, as the second generation she should be able to adapt the country’s cultural values. As what she mentioned on her novel
The emigrants confused the gods by diverting their curses, misleading them with crooked streets and false names. They must try to confuse their offspring as well, who, I suppose. Threaten them in similar ways-always trying to get things straight, always trying to name the unspeakable. The Chinese I know hide their names: sojourners take new names when their lives change and guard their real names with silence. (taken from No Name Woman)
Based on that paragraph we can see that Maxine as a Chinese American confused why Chinese had to change their name. However, if we take a red line between changing a name and silence, there is a relation on those two. In this book, Maxine also tells us that in Chinese tradition, people need to keep silence in order to keep their good image. There would be a negative effect if people knew about the bad experience and notorious story of Chinese people in their home country. This is also what made Maxine’s mother asked her not to tell her father that her mother told about her aunt. This is because her father wanted to burry this story and started a new life in America. He was afraid if people knew that story it would give bad impacts to his family.
The other example with the same idea of silence is about Maxine’s friend who always keep silence in her class. Her friend was afraid that people know about her father who is a drinker and gambler. She thought that if people know about her father she would be deported from school. 
Maxine as a Chinese American woman found herself difficult in adapting the culture in America. America which is dominated by White Anglo men, gives a little space for her to develop herself. This is not only because she is a Chinese but also she is a woman. Facing the discrimination toward her society, she also mentioned the story how Chinese has a legendary woman warrior known as FaMulan. But here, I do not concern on that story but more focus on the Maxine life in the Woman Warrior. As she mentioned that it is hard for her to get a good job. Even when she was at school, there is no guarantee of appreciation whether she got good or bad score.
In her place (America) she feels wrong or odd because of how the society treat her. Then she wrote the White Tiger that tells about a woman warrior from China named FaMulan. In this case, she sees that Chinese culture has a woman warrior and woman has power and ability to become a knight. Fa Mulan which is told to show the woman power role in China, is actually the weakness of woman role in China if we really understand the story. Even though FaMulan is a woman warrior, when she became a warrior she acted and pretend that she was a man. She wore a knight armed uniform when she was at the battle. It is indeed she is a strong woman but what people know is that she is a man. If Chinese people also treat woman equal as man, why FaMulan has to pretend to be a man. It shows that even in Chine woman also has less dominant role in the society.
Maxine’s mother who is actually a doctor (Shaman) in China cannot become a doctor when she is in America. Using many herbs to cure people in China does not help in America. People in America were not common with woman who has ability more than man. It made her mother only becomes a housewife after living in America. Those story shows that Maxine even in America still confused about her identity. She only knows Chinese culture from the story of her mother, in the other hand she is uncommon with the society in America which is different with the story of her mother.
In the next example, Maxine shows how her mother gives or in this case “forces” ghost druggist to do what normally Chinese druggist do to their customers by giving candy along with their drugs. It is actually a tradition of Chinese people that shows their hospitality to other people. In this narration Maxine also shows the Chinese tradition towards superstition. As stated in the chapter “A Song for a Barbarian Reed Pipe”, her mother believes that the druggist who is wrong bringing a sick medicine to her house brings bad curse and it should be change with sweetness which will be get by giving candy. That is what Maxine’s mother reason to ask Maxine to go to the drugstore and ask her to ask candy from the druggist.
Maxine does not believe such a superstition. Actually she has said to her mother that there is no such curse as what she said only because of wrong druggist. She also adds that by asking candy to a druggist in the drugstore makes her become a beggar but her mother still insists her to go to the drugstore. It shows that Maxine herself feels odd with the tradition of her mother which is actually a tradition from her group as Chinese.
Based on above examples, I can conclude that The Woman Warrior is a story which shows the readers how Maxine as I in the novel adapts herself as the first generations of Chinese American who also looks for her identity whether she wants to know her original traditions (China) or the new tradition where she lives as American. In adapting her situation, Maxine does what her mother told to her. However sometimes she has the opposite argument but her mother has stronger reason. She also tried herself so hard to adapt with the society in her environment by learning English as we know that Chinese language is so different from English. Moreover, she tried to speak louder than the other Chinese girl which is well-known as very soft voice. However, the soft voice of Chinese girl is to show what Chinese American feminine is.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Amazing Camping di Pantai Klayar, Pacitan

 Minggu ke empat semester 7 ini, aku mendapatkan jarkoman dari salah satu teman yang mengajak pergi camping di Pantai Klayar. Awalnya aku merasa males karena pasti nantinya bakalan ngabisin banyak uang dan juga aku belum persiapan untuk konsultasi skripsi ke pembimbingku. Tetapi mengingat frekuensi kumpul dengan teman seangkatan sudah berkurang, aku memutuskan untuk ikut. Kapan lagi aku bisa main bareng dengan mereka.

Tibalah pada hari H, Jumat 2 Oktober 2015. Berdasarkan rencana awal, kita kumpul di Boulevard kampus jam 1.00. As you know, the culture of budaya ngaret in my beloved country, kita (aku dan temanku bersembilan)baru bisa berangkat jam 2.45. Sebuah koreksi yang seharusnya bisa diperbaiki mulai dari diri sendiri untuk lebih menghargai waktu. Meskipun saat ini aku masih dalam taraf “berlatih”.

Tujuan awal kita sebelum ke Pantai Klayar adalah ke Wonogiri. Kita mampir kesalah satu rumah temen disana untuk menjemputnya. Selain itu, acara ngetrip bareng ini juga disponsori oleh catering keluarga temenku ini. Kita sampai di sana sekitar 4.30. Setelah makan dan cukup istirahat, kita melanjutkan perjalanan kita ke tujuan utama, Pantai Klayar.

Sebenarnya ini adalah kali pertama aku pergi ke Pantai Klayar. Tetapi sebelumnya aku pernah ke Pantai Nampu dengan teman kost tahun kemarin yang notabene lokasinya tidak begitu jauh dari Pantai Klayar. Hal pertama yang ada dibanyanganku adalah medan yang susah, terjal, naik,turun dan bakalan menjadi perjalanan yang melelahkan. Namun, ternyata untuk sebagian jalan sudah diaspal dan perjalanan menjadi lebih mudah. Akan tetapi masih ada beberapa jalan yang memang masih parah sehingga kita harus ekstra hati-hati terlebih saat itu sudah gelap.

At last, we made it. Kita sampai di Pantai Klayar sekitar pukul 7.30. Sesampainya disana, kita langsung bongkar muatan kita dan segera mencari lokasi untuk mendirikan tenda. Meskipun saat itu lumayan gelap, dengan bantuan cahaya senter, aku bisa menebak kita mendapatkan spot camping yang menurutku legit. Suara deburan ombak terdengar jelas dan kita berada di bawah pohon kelapa yang Alhamdulillah pada saat itu tidak ada buahnya (sebenarnya ada buah kelapanya, tapi masih kecil, jadi no need to worry).

Setelah tenda sudah siap untuk dihuni, kita persiapan untuk masak memasak. Tidak masak juga sebenernya, karena kita sudah dibekali nasi bungkus ayam telur dari temenku. Jadi kita hanya sekedar menggoreng nugget dan memanaskan air untuk menyeduh kopi dan susu.

Hal yang aku suka dari camping di pantai adalah aku tidak perlu takut kedinginan. Meskipun aku sudah terbiasa dengan suhu dingin malam hari di tempat tinggalku, aku masih belum sanggup dengan dinginnya suhu di gunung. That’s why I always think twice everytime my friends ask me to join them to go hiking. Hal lain yang membuat aku suka camping di pantai adalah paginya kita bisa menikmati main air dan merasakan ombak yang jarang aku dapatkan selama tinggal di tengah-tengah dataran Jawa Tengah. Selain itu, menikmati pasir putih yang berpadu dengan birunya langit dan air laut sambil meneguk es degan di tepi pantai adalah a piece of heaven on earth for me.

Kemudian tibalah saatnya untuk Qtime with friends. Kita ngobrol bareng, ada yang nyanyi ngga jelas, ngebully satu sama lain dll. Sampai pada tewas satu-persatu. Malamnya aku tidur lebih dulu dari teman-teman yang satu tenda denganku, ngga tau kenapa aku ngantukan banget selama ngetrip. Pagi harinya, ada temenku yang tidur di tenda sebalah mendengar suara lolongan anjing. Katanya suasana menjadi horror untuk mereka karena mendengar suara anjing yang entah berada dimana karena aku dan teman-temanku yang setenda tidak mendengar apapun. Other than that, kita langsung membuat menu sarapan dengan mie instan yang kita bawa dari rumah dan juga masih ada nasi bungkus, telur, nugget dan sosis untuk lauknya. Memang hal yang menyenangkan dari camping selain tidur di tenda adalah proses masak memasaknya. Yah, berhubung kita bawa yang instan-instan tidaklah ada masalah yang berarti buat sarapan kita.

Setelah selesai sarapan, kita langsung go to the beach!!!

Meskipun pagi itu pantai sedang surut, Klayar menyajikan banyak pilihan untuk para penikmat pantai. Kalau aku boleh bilang, pantai ini memiliki 5 spot yang bisa dinikmati. Yang pertama adalah pantai dengan karang, yang dimana ketika surut kita bisa mencari ikan atau ulat laut. Kedua adalah pantai dengan pasir putih dan ombk yang friendly dan tidak ada karang yang mengganggu kita ketika berenang. Yang ketiga adalah pantai dengan ombak yang super horor banget. Keempat adalah semacam karang besar yang disana kita bisa melihat “suling laut”. Dan yang terakhir adalah Tebing tinggi yang dimana kita bisa melihat keindahan Pantai Klayar dan birunya laut selatan dari atas.

Well, aku dan teman-temanku menikmati spot kedua yang aku sebutkan tadi sampai sekitar pukul 8.00 pagi. Setelah itu kita mencoba untuk melihat ke pantai dengan ombak (yang menurutku) paling horror. Sebelum aku tahu ombaknya yang begitu besar, kesan pertamaku dan teman-teman adalah terkesan dengan airnya yang terlihat sangat beru dibandingkan pantai sebelumnya. Setelah kita mendekat, gilaaaaaaa, pantainya diapit dua karang besar dan ombaknya mungkin sampai 3 meteran. Tidak ada wisatawan yang bermain di dekat pantai itu. Bisa aja mereka terseret dengan mudah kalau berani untuk main disitu. Kebanyakan dari mereka hanya berani foto dengan background “Mad Wave” (it’s a name for that wave from me). Karena merasa horror, kita memutuskan untuk ke spot keempat yaitu tebing “bersuling”. LOL.

Tebing “bersuling”, lagi, ini adalah nama yang aku buat sendiri untuk spot ini. Untuk memasuki area “suci” ini, kita perlu melakukan sebuah ritual. Kita perlu membayar uang sebesar 2000 rupiah. I’m kidding about the holly place and the ritual. Well, spot foto di sini keren-keren. Tapi yang paling banyak diminati adalah yang ada sulingnya. Emm, disini ada semacam lubang yang menghubungkan ombak laut dengan permukaan atas tebing sehingga apabila ada ombak yang lumayan besar, akan ada angin dan air yang menyembur ke atas seperti geiser. (Aduh aku lupa spelling geiser yang bener). Sebelum air keluar, ada suara angina dari lubang ini yang mungkin menjadi alasan kenapa tempat ini disebut suling (Aku kerap mendengar dari wisatawan lain yang menyebut “ooo, ini sulingnya”).

Setelah puas berfoto, kita kembali ke tenda dan beristirahat di dekat tenda. Kita memesan es degan muda sambil beristirahat dan menikmati indahnya pantai Klayar.

Beberapa jam kemudian kita bergantian untuk membilas diri dan mulai bersiap-siap untuk packing dan pulang.

Hal yang menyenangkan dari perjalanan ini selain lokasi camping adalah sponsor perjalanan ini. Untuk makan sore kita disponsori lagi oleh temanku yang dari Wonogiri. Dan untuk makan malamnya kita juga mendapat sponsor tambahan dari temanku yang lain yang juga berasal dari Wonogiri. What a trip. Hohoho

Dan akhirnya kita sampai lagi di boulevard kampus jam 9.00 malam. Aku lupa jam berapa tepatnya kita berangkat pulang dari wonogiri, tapi yang aku ingat setelah maghrib.

Well, semoga dengan liburan singkat, menyenangkan dan sedikit melelahkan ini dapat membuatku lebih bersemangat dalam mengerjakan skripsi dan juga tidak ada kata “Kurang Piknik” sebagai alasan untuk menunda mengerjakan skripsi.

 Other than that, I still have some pictures to share during my trip in Klayar.
Ini packing buat pulang. Demi menjaga kebersihan sampah bekas camping kita jadikan satu untuk dibuang pada tempatnya. yay

Persiapan mendirikan tenda

Cooking for dinner


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Sastra Inggris Semester 6 - I’M SICK OF SIX SEMESTER

Hi there, it’s been a long time I didn’t write any article. May be the explanation below will give you an enlightenment why I didn’t write a lot. Well, as usual I like writing or I’d rather call it as sharing my experience in the previous semester.
And this is my story of Semester six. And I’m sick of semester six. – I’m not serious, tho. ;)
Very well then, as you know that I take American Studies as the major that I’ve learned since semester 5, I will write about the Life of being an American studies scholar. Let me start from the subjects that my friends and I took in semester 6. Here we go:
1.     Gender (2 credits)
2.     Introduction to cultural studies (2 credits)
3.     American Miscellany (4 credits)
4.     Popular culture (2 credits)
5.     American Studies Research Methodology (4 credits)
6.     Film and Literature (2 credits)
7.     Media and Cultural studies (2 credits)

There were two lecturers in this class, Miss Nia and Miss Sari. For the first eight meeting, the class was under Miss Nia’s hand. The rest of the meetings was handled by Miss Sari. Well, I will be honest in this blog. I liked the way Miss Nia taught us with group presentation and very thoughtful question related to gender in our daily life. One thing that I don’t really accept is the way she always gives her personal opinion that Woman is always right. Well, it is indeed she is a feminist. And some of my male friends and I kind of irritated with her words. Not in an offensive way, but we as a male kind of hard to accept that woman is always right. We need to think more carefully to decide who is wrong and wright. Well, other than that, joining her class is such as worth time to spend for me. I can understand a simple thing that I didn’t give a shit before such as gender bias. From this class I can be more tolerant with woman and I think I can be more aware on gender issues. As a male who live in patriarchal society, I think it is necessary to think that everything cannot be judged based on sex. For them who are interested in gender or sexuality issues I believe will find themselves fit in this class.
This class was also handled by two lecturers, Miss Nia and Miss Sari. For the first eight meeting was handled by Miss Sari and the rest was Miss Nia. Miss Nia always made a group discussion as her method of teaching. However, Miss Sari was more focus on individual participation in a class discussion. And there was always a review every meeting related to certain theory. However, I believe you will thank to her when you have a talk with sociology students. The materials that my friends and I have got so far are about social and cultural theories such as hegemony, Subject and power, postmodern etc.
Thanks God in this semester my friends and I got a one semester class with American lecturer. Well, as an American studies scholar, I personally have a dream to learn more about America in America or at least being taught by American lecturer. And that dream came true in this semester. Well, we had two lecturer actually in this class, Mr. Brian and Miss Rini. In this class we learned things about America. There are lots of things that we learned, that’s why there were 2 meetings every week for this subject. The materials that we learned were American exceptionalism, borders, woman and domesticity, religion, environment, diaspora, whiteness, etc.
Alright, in this class I learned theories related to popular culture such as the theory from Strinaty, John Fiske, Rob Kroes and Sausurre also. From this class you will at least get a clue on how certain phenomenon becomes popular. The object that being discuss also various such as painting, film, ads, etc. You may be can take or apply one or two theories to make you popular, lol. Just kidding. Well, it was an interesting class even tough in some meetings the materials are so though.
Oh my goodness. Miss Hapsari handled this class in my year. Well, it’s kind of scary because my friends and I got a kind of nightmare in the last semester in her Introduction to Media class.
Every mainstream/major in English Department gets this class. This class is actually a warming up for our final research for Sarjana degree. In this class, my friends and I always made a review for every single meeting from journals that given to us since in the second or third meeting. Just enjoy the show tho.
This class is the meeting point where American Studies scholars meet Literature scholars. Yeay… At last my class was more -let say- had more people in the classroom. Fyi, there are only six students taking American studies major, so the appearance of Literature students that are four is kind of good news for us, or personally for me. However, thanks for non-regular students who also joined us so the class was more crowded than my other classes.
You may learn the history of film, language of film and also literature in this class as long as the lecturer is still Mr. Taufiq. There will be a group discussion in this class related to literature and film theory and issue.
Media and cultural identity was one of the most interesting class in this semester. There are many thing to discuss here. It is just the matter how you can find an interesting object to discuss. The form of media is so many. You may elaborate the topic from the lecturer, Mr. Taufiq, with media you like such as newspaper, journalistic thing, TV series, music video, advertisement, and of course film. The idea of this class is actually you can reveal or at least show how certain media can bring its own identity that I might say can influence the way how people think on certain thing or idea.
For you who wants to take American Studies as your major, just be ready for a new culture of study. There will be reviews at least 3 written reviews every week from miss Sari. The other thing you need to prepare are 1 chapter from Miss Nia, 3 chapter from Mr. Taufiq, and also 1 chapter from Miss Rini. However, if there is a different arrangement related to lecturer, you won’t face all of those readings.
Tbh, being a university student is a challenge whether you can be a real student or not. Personally, I think that being a student means read a lot. I mean it!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

KUCING - Sleepo The Cat

Sleepo: My Cat and Family

Sebagai salah satu penggila kucing atau kalau istilah yang sering aku pakai, CatHolic, terasa kurang kalau aku belum mengulas tentang kisah pribadiku dengan kucing-kucingku. Tulisan kali ini pun karena aku barusan melihat foto-foto kucingku yang sekarang aku tinggal mengelana mencari ilmu di kota seberang.
Jika dilihat dari historical approach, aku mengenal kucing sejak TK. Awalnya dikasih sama kakaknya simbahku. Kucing pertamaku kalau tidak salah namanya Si Manis. Dan panggilannya Nis, selayaknya banyak orang memanggil kucing dengan sebutan nis/pus. Dan sejak itu juga aku selalu memelihara kucing sampai sekarang menjadi mahasiswa semester hampir akhir.
"He is the member of my family....."
Seperti memang ditakdirkan untuk memelihara kucing, setiap kucingku sudah tua dan mati, biasanya ada aja kucing kecil yang datang ke rumah. Langsung aja aku rawat dan aku kasih makan kucing itu ngga peduli ada yang punya apa ngga. Hohoho

Tulisan ini akan banyak mengulas tentang Sleepo and his family. Jadi Sleepo merupakan anak entah keberapa dari tiga bersaudara, dan merupakan hasil perkawinan antara Pushkav (Kucingku-betina) dengan kucing jantan yang tidak diketahui bebet bibit dan bobotnya. Meskipun bibitnya tidak terlacak, dia memberikan keturunan yang bisa aku bilang nice. Jadi, Pushkav memiliki 3 anak, 2 cewek dan 1 cowok. Bitty sebagai anak pertama berjenis kelamin betina. Sleepo anak kedua, merupakan kucing cowok yang hobby tidur dan terakhir Puddle satu-satunya yang memiliki ekor pendek dan satu warna. (Bitty dan Sleepo berwarna Kembang asem a.k.a orange dan Putih)

Anggap saja ini silsilah keluarga Sleepo

For the record, meskipun kucingku namanya beda-beda, tapi tetep aja panggilan mereka Pus.
Nah, dari ke empat kucingku tersebut diatas, yang sampai sekarang masih betah di rumah tinggal Sleepo. Pushkav sudah ngga tau dimana, Bitty dan Puddle sudah diminta sama orang deket rumah. Tinggalah Sleepo sendiri sampai akhirnya adik dari almarhum simbah kakungku ngasih anak kucing yang aku kasih nama Niki, karena aku kasih kalung dengan logo nike. Hohoho. Tapi minggu kemarin ketika aku pulang ke rumah, Niki sudah ngga ada. Kata orang tuaku, Niki ada di rumah salah satu teman SDku dan Ibuku mau mengambil Niki namun ngga enak, karena Niki dimainin sama adiknya temenku. (Semoga paham dengan bahasaku yang agak ribet). Pada intinya Sleepo di rumah sendiri untuk saat ini.

Pertumbuhan Sleepo sejak Desember 2013

Sleepo sekarang sudah berumur sekitar 2 tahun 2 bulan. Sepertinya sudah berkeluarga, namun sayangnya orang rumah tidak pernah dikenalkan dengan istri atau anaknya. Setauku dia masih Single. Namun mengingat umurnya yang bisa dibalang sudah matang, aku yakin dia sudah memproduksi keturunan.
Hal yang membuat aku selalu suka dengan kucingku adalah setiap pulang dari Solo dan baru turun dari motor, pasti Sleepo langsung keluar rumah dan nyamperin sambil bilang meong-meong. Ngga tau juga itu maksudnya kangen sama aku atau bilang ke aku kalau orang tuaku ngga ngasih makan dia selama aku pergi.
Selain itu, setiap kali aku duduk bersila, dia pasti langsung nyusul duduk dipangkuanku dan tanpa basa-basi langsung tidur. Terlebih kalau malam hari pasti langsung menyusul kedalam selimutku, karena pintu kamar pasti aku buka biar Sleepo bisa masuk, hohoho. Indeed, setiap aku pulang ke rumah pasti aku tidak tidur sendirian karena ada Sleepo. :D
Mungkin cukup sekian cerita tentang Sleepo. Aku yakin setiap pemilik kucing pasti memiliki cerita masing-masing dengan kucingnya. Dan inilah ceritaku. Last but not least, many people say:
Cowok pecinta kucing itu biasanya penyayang sama pendamping hidaupnya kelak!!!
Mau bukti??? Try me! Lol just kidding….
See you on the next post…

A Short Visit to Semarang

Meeting and Travelling

Well, from the tittle seems to be a very pleasing journey by mentioning the word travelling. In fact, it wasn't a travel actually. It was just a short visit. I visited Semarang on Sunday, 8 March 2015. I spent Rp 40k for the public transportation I used from Ampel-Semarang-Ampel. Here is the story.

First of all, the main reason for me to visit Semarang is just for attending a meeting with friends from KOPHI Jateng.  We discussed about the recruitment process for new Punggawa (member of kophi Jateng).   The meeting was attended by 18 punggawa including me.  The meeting was held in the second floor of KFC Pandanaran. We spent about more than four hours to discuss about the announcement and interview process. 
Finally, the final outcome from our meeting related Open Recruitment of New Punggawa are: 1. the announcement was informed by website admin and also via sms. 2. There are three main locations for the interview selection process. They are Semarang, Surakarata (UMS), and Purwokarata. 3. The interview will be held on Saturday-Sunday, 14-15 March 2015. 4. The announcement for the second selection is in 14 March 2015. 5. There will be held first gathering and also super camp for further follow up. 
There were more agendas beside Open Recruitment. Those  were KOPHI Pusat, Earth Hours Semarang, and KOPHI class. There was also kind of sharing some problems related to intern KOPHI Jateng.  That was a nice meeting for me, they were so friendly and warm to everybody and it made me feel good joining this organization.  Second of all, what I like during in Semarang is the city. I met many good people and also good environment for walkers like me. I like enjoying some  bulidings along  Pandanaran street and I took pictures there until I finally found KFC

My friend ever said that you haven’t visited Semarang before buying Lumpia, that’s true because Semarang is very famous with its production of Lumpia, but for me, experiencing city’s public transportation is my only goal.

After finishing my meeting (actually the meeting hadn’t finished yet when I left) at 3:00 pm, I decided to have a visit in Simpang Lima. Unfortunately, I had to go home early if I wanted to go to Solo at that day. Then, thanks to My friend, Nofal, who gave a ride and dropped me in Simpang lima. I started to walk around and then I found a bus stop. It is quite different with the bus stop in Solo. There are some people who sell the tickets behind the bus stop. So I didn’t need to pay the ticket on the bus. One more thing, there is a “transit system” here that leads people only pay once for changing the bus route. For the example, I took the bus (BRT) from simpang lima (near SMKN 7 Smg) and my destination was bus stop in Sukun. From simpang lima, I had to transit in Elizabeth then took another bus which go to Sukun.
The things that I like from the service are they were polite and friendly to people who don’t know about BRT (just like me, that was my first experience using BRT), it only cost 3.500 rupiahs, and also I don’t need to wait longer to get another bus. When I got a bus which go to Sukun, I couldn’t enter it because there were too many passengers. After waiting no more than 5 minutes, another bus which go to Sukun arrived. It means that there is no delay or late problem here. Meanwhile, sometimes when I use Batik Solo Trans, I still need to wait more than 10 minutes to get the bus who has the same route as the previous one.
One thing that I still remembered well during my journey using BRT is that It was hard for passengers who stand up and get comfort position because the geography in Semarang is not as flat as in Solo. You everyone should hold at the handle so tight.

Bapak-bapak yang ramah
Tbh, this was my first time going to the central city of Semarang by myself. Even though I’ve ever visited Tembalang alone.However, Tembalang and Simpang Lima is not a same place so I don’t know how to get there. I brace myself to ask bapak-bapak tukang parker yang langsung melemparkan senyum ketika saya sapa dengan kata “permisi pak, saya mau bertanya…..” Dengan direksi yang jelas, saya “dituntun” dari Java Mall menuju ke perempatan yang terdapat angkot C5 which goes to Pandanaran street. I like visiting Semarang, moreover by using public transportation and alone. It gives me different experience. However, the disadvantage of travelling alone is that no one can take a picture of me. I’m to shy to make a slfie using back camera, unless I have front camera. Lol

Hopefully I can enjoy more places in Semarang.

Some random pictures
Salah satu bangunan di sepanjang jalan Pandanaran Semarang

Oper angkot dari Sukun turun di Java Mall kemudian naik C5 ke Simpang lima

I took this picture from Angkot tbh.

and I just arrived at Simpang Lima