The Importance of Keeping Defecating Regularly
I do believe that everybody does this kind
of thing no matter how often it is. Yep, defecating. Well, I do not mean to be
impolite or disgusting but I just want to show the importance to defecate
regularly in terms of health and physical side.
Can we imagine how much food we eat that
can be accommodated by our stomach? Based on the article that I read (the link
is available below), it shows that in average human stomach can fit for 1 liter
of food. So what happens if we eat more than 1 liter? Actually it is OK if we
eat more than one liter because muscle in stomach can expand until 4 liter. The
question is,. will you eat food until your stomach really full? From the health
side there is effect when we postpone defecating. That is constipation. It caused
by the feces which pill up is stiffen in intestine.
Well, seen from physical side, postponing defecating
makes our stomach distended. I do not only talk about women but also men side.
I think both men and women will be looked well with a proportional stomach than
the distended one. For slim woman who is distended I am afraid that people will
think she is pregnant. Even worse it will be really seen when she wears tight
dress. Even though not slim woman whose stomach is “not really seen”, she will
be uncomfortable with her stomach.
So, never procrastinate to go to toilet when we want to take number two for
keeping our health and good physical appearance.